Meet Shambu

An Energy Healer, Spiritual Coach & Yogi offering distance energy healing sessions, online meditation classes & group healing events

Watch the video below to see a testimonial showcasing one client’s healing journey with Yogi Shambu. . .

Take Action and Shift Your State NOW!

Are you struggling, in a crisis?
Are you feeling weak, angry, or overwhelmed?

Do you need support in finding your “I” in the storm?

Experience peace and relief in the midst of it all. Please enjoy this free meditation practice.

Yogi Shambu’s Online Group Healing Event

& Meditation Classes

  • A group of meditators sitting in a spiritual community for an online group healing event

    Online Group Healing Event

    Jumpstart Your Healing Process with the Power of Community in a Live Virtual Healing Event!

    If you are dealing with underlying stress within yourself and your daily life, Shambu’s healing presence and guided energy practices can support you to rapidly find resolution in this Online Group Healing Event.

    You’ll be able to:

    - Shift your current state rapidly, and easily;

    - Activate your healing process in a safe and powerful healing space;

    - Develop the potency of your own energy field;

    - Harness the power of spiritual community and amplify your own transformative abilities;

    - Overcome helplessness, and direct your concern for others by sending healing to loved ones and the world in this online energy healing experience.

    Enjoy this virtual group healing event from the comfort of your home.

  • Yogi Shambu teaching a yoga and meditation class online with meditation techniques and asanas

    Online Meditation Class

    Awaken the Open Heart and Peace of Mind You’re Looking For in this Live Virtual Meditation Class.

    Are you busy, harried, and too tired to meditate? If you are struggling to find effective ways to move into the depths of yourself, or to fit personal practices into your daily schedule, join Shambu’s Online Meditation Class.

    Learn powerful and practical meditations to relax your body, soothe your mind, and open your heart in a fun and supportive group meditation environment, with minimal time investment.

    You’ll be able to:

    - Increase energy and focus

    - Manage stress

    - Develop self-awareness

    - Foster wisdom and insight

    - Amplify sincerity and presence

    - Awaken enjoyment and appreciation

    Experience all the benefits of this virtual group meditation class in the quiet of your own space.

Distance Energy Healing & Spiritual Coaching Sessions

Yogi Shambu, Energy Healer, Spiritual Coach & Yogi, sitting in meditation

​​Is it time for a helping hand?

What if you could access a remote energy healer and spiritual coach to help you quickly dissolve the deep pains within you that are blocking your way forward?

In a Distance Energy Healing Session, Shambu helps you to transform the spiritual and emotional blocks that prevent you from living in the present with self-confidence, joy, and personal power.

Using compassionate energy healing, spiritual coaching, and ancient guided meditation, Shambu’s unique remote energy healing facilitates a deep dive into the spiritual dimensions of your personal reality. This powerful process allows you to unearth and release the obstacles that inhibit you from living your best life.

Image of woman experiencing emotional release, stress relief, empowerment and joy

What to Expect

In a distance energy healing session with Shambu, gain the opportunity to rapidly clear negativity, awaken your spirit, and define yourself within the world.

This can help you to:

  • Clear negative energies that affect you and your loved ones;

  • Resolve painful emotions, ie. anxiety, grief, anger, depression;

  • Gain spiritual insight into patterns and problems;

  • Manage sensitivity and overwhelm;

  • Navigate conflicts, relationships, and difficult circumstances;

  • Learn meditations to gain self-mastery;

  • Awaken your essential nature.

This remote energy healing and spiritual coaching is easily accessible by phone or online.

“In reality there is light. Darkness only appears when there is something standing between us and the divine source. The object casting the shadow of misunderstanding and fear is in the mind. This can only be removed by internal observation and acceptance.”

— Shambunata

Yogi Shambu, Energy Healer, Spiritual Coach & Yogi, smiling at sunset on the Canadian West Coast

About Yogi Shambu

I am a yogi, energy healer and spiritual coach with over 30 years of serving an international clientele. 

Shaped by a long history of losing myself in others, I pursued a path of yoga, meditation, and energy work to overcome chronic fatigue, anxiety, and despair. This led to a unique ability to efficiently clear the unseen obstacles that hinder a person’s ability to be an empowered presence in the world. 

From the age of 16, I studied psychology and metaphysics, apprenticed with healers, and completed a 7-year yogic training with a tantric master, followed by a 2-year meditation intensive. 

I provide energy healing, guided meditation, and spiritual coaching to clients and groups, supporting them to clear negativity and pain, manage crises, and enhance their ability to pursue life with purpose, power, and passion.

Your healing and growth begin HERE.


“I have worked with Shambu for close to 5 years and I couldn’t imagine my life without him. Shambu is a strong pillar in my health team that I work with and helps me move through some long-held spiritual obstacles that have been in my way of achieving optimal internal and external success.  His gentle, insightful, intuitive, powerful healing abilities have been a true gift in my life, and I will be forever grateful for the healing that I have received from Shambu.  If you want real transformative change in your life – work with Shambu and watch the magic unfold.”  

Chastity Davis – A Alphonse, Founder, Chastity Davis Consulting & Deyen – An Invitation to Transform

“Yogi Shambu has given me the tools to relax and heal. I owe him for my flexibility and peace of mind. I have had the great fortune of receiving 100s of lessons from Shambu and he is an endless well of hope, humour, and healing. I don’t think there are many yogis today who have as much technical skill and incredible social IQ. He is able to find what the student needs and provide it in such a way that we are left inspired, profoundly moved, and connected.”

Julie Daniluk R.H.N., nutritionist, award-winning author of Meals That Heal Inflammation (and others), former TV host (Marilyn Denis Show), and anti-inflammatory food & lifestyle expert.